Monday, May 12, 2008

Battlefield Earth (film)

LO, hear my tale-unhappened,
of Adam's seed enslaved in ages hence,
shackle burdened by stellar chains,
made man-animal by dreadlocked dreadnought!
Millennium ruled neath Psychlo boot,
third thousand AD dawned,
on broken-planet soon battle-fielded,
defiance flamed with human spark!
Wandering tribes hide from alien eye,
away from deep-drilling conquerers,
planet gashing for mineral riches;
stealing man's birthright!
Forth from Rocky Mountain fastness,
clambers Jonnie Goodboy Tyler,
risk-taker explorer; untested youth.
Seeking foreign tribes and enemy news,
downward walks from hidden passes,
to well-preserved Denver's ruin.
Early on, his journey bears fruit,
already ally-finding hunter Carlo,
grim wandering in harsh wilds.
Placing their fates together,
new friends approach Denver,
not wary of a lurking snare!
Ambush ready, true-proving fears,
wait the Psychlo foe,
slave catching tube breathing battalion!
Trap caught in alien pincers,
two explorers are captivity sent,
to domed city and vicious Terl!
Backwater exiled Psychlo leader,
Earth cursing his appointment,
Terl sees opportunity's approach in brung slaves,
to mine the Rocky's off-limit lucre,
stored invader-proof in radioactive stones.
Psychlo breathe-gas, alien needed on Earth
explodes under beta bombardment,
bars Terl's miners from approaching gold.
Humans need no blast-ready gas,
native born and oxygen breathing,
riches await a mining crew of man,
if a Psychlo loyal slave were to lead.
Terl fast tutors Jonnie with an education machine,
filling an ignorant explorer with alien lore,
assuming freedom's call would be forgotten.
Not so! Ancient wisdom long enshrined,
the Declaration of Independence waited,
found by Jonnie in Denver's library ruins,
once more inspires American rebellion!
Gathering a liberation army,
Jonnie passes Fort Knox's gold as miner's spoils,
to satiate Terl whilst the noose tighened!
An underground military base bestows a mighty weapon,
harrier jets and modern missiles,
dormant through the centuries,
but still fully-working and revolution ready!
Too late to act the Psychlos realize,
that man-animals have become man-men,
breaking their bonds and slaying oppressors!
Carlo sacrifices himself in battle,
to shatter the Psychlo Denver-dome,
asphyxiating the interred aliens!
A thousands year's vengeance comes to bear,
wroth-filled Jonnie teleports an atomic missive,
dispatched faster-than-light to Psychlo homeworld!
A chain-reaction blows up their atmosphere,
the planet-blast becoming a star,
genocide ending the Psychlo threat forever!
Praise the heroes yet unborn,
valiant descendants of our line,
Hubbard prophesized,
on tomorrow's Battlefield Earth!

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