Friday, June 6, 2008


Mood undulates
On crests of jubilation
In sorrow's shadowy deep
Shackled to cause and effect

Consequence rules the mind
Hollowness causing pain
Purpose meaning joy
Life tallies to one extreme

Sertraline weighs the scale
Content for infinity
Without rhyme or reason
Like the dead in heaven

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Émile Lemoine

Where was the symmedian?
Waiting in the triangle for thee?
Was it there before you began?
Without you could it be?
Would math exist without man?
Without someone to see?

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Funerary Monument to Sir John Hawkwood

Was Middleman
Twixt Uccelo and Florence
Payment and Propaganda

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Confederate government of Kentucky

Rebel banner's central star,
Lived on paper, not reality,
The model UN of the war,
Pretending rule of Kentucky.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Harold Innis

In time-binding writing,
warned balance was lost,
oral overwritten by now,
the now erasing the know.
Media killed the happy medium,
we're all news and ads and fads.
When the radios shut off,
the books will be waiting on their shelves.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Ran (film)

Blood out-thicks water
But is thinner than power
And family relations sour
Hence slaughter

Saturday, May 31, 2008


I'm big in Bratislava
Practically a star
When I drive my VW car
People wave and beg
'Never leave Slovakia!'
Hungary and Austria
Deserve me too though
So cross the river I'll go
Away from the pretty
Capital city

Friday, May 30, 2008

D. B. Cooper

Who am I? I'm pure style,
D.B. Cooper King of Guile.
If not dead, thus not insane,
This player jumped from a plane,
With a prize of two-kay-gees,
To woo loads of fine ladies.
Alive or dead, you'll never know,
That's the way mysteries go.

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Oil shale

When you need power without fail...Oil Shale! Oil Shale!
For fuel without delay, don't wait for Iran to send it your way!
Oil Shale!

*Warning: Oil Shale cannot be used to produce gasoline. Consult your geologist for potentially serious environmental consequences.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Troy McClure

You might remember
him from the

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

F-4 Phantom II

It boomed above
The Vietcong dived
To hide and pray
In the tall roadside grass
This time the boom was just it passing
Not a bomb as they feared
Too quick and high to see them
Or for them to see it

Monday, May 26, 2008

Nguyen Ngoc Tho

We have that touchy-feely dealy with dictators
       It's the in-crowd kid's party
       paramount is getting invited, abyssal
morals be damned. So let's cozy,
forget about the beaten nerds,
and humor his humor. RSVPing soothes
the guilt, then we're inside
his parent's mansion,
       trashing everything.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Stanley Cup

It has many names
added from games, writ
on it, of those who won
forever added on, decades
of hockey's accolades, passing
to winning team after team.

Saturday, May 24, 2008


I almost made the mistake,
Of paying tribute to Blake.
Praise is due to great men,
More so though to the Lyen.

Yet I follow seven count,
Precisely William's amount,
Ignoring the title beast,
That stalks the gold grass to feast.

Inside each heart lurks a thing,
That would call the Lyen King,
To the fang wholly loyal
Offering flesh to the royal.

Could all the animals here,
Simply symbolize our fear?
Roar and pounce without a soul,
So poets may design a role.

I praise the cat and the pride
View myself as an aside,
The wild not symbolically,
It does not start or end with me.

Friday, May 23, 2008

Society of the Song Dynasty

Though merit deserves its praise
My eyes are opened by failure
Hundreds grind through their lives
Each year an attempt
They will never succeed
I grumble with them
We complain about the test
All of us have merit
Only one can pass
I would trade my worth for luck
Become helpless
A babe in the arms of fate

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Edward Low

Snip snip goes your lip,
There goes your nose,
And the ears you've had for years,
in the water go.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Elderly Instruments

Pick me, says the red
I'll serve your fingers
Stroke my neck
I'll stoke the crowd
Play large and loud
Never fret, you'll be a star
Better yet, an artist
With songs that outlive you

Pick me, says the blue
I don't have much to offer
You won't be on radio
Who needs that though?
You'll play me well but small
And the songs will be themselves
Music makes a better complement
Don't choose it as existence

Sale, says the green
I'm on the sale
Marked down twenty percent
That's money well spent
For a guitar like me that's a steal
Future star or not, who cares
I'm on sale! Buy me!
Buy me!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


If you remember, hold dear
Anything you said to this man,
Remember the plan, return to me
I wait in Weymouth, by the sea.

Ships pass, before my eyes,
As years flit cross my heart,
Though apart, I feel our love,
Steady, as tide upon this cove.

You forgot, or take no care,
That my heart holds an ember,
If you remember, come south,
I wait forever, in Weymouth.

Monday, May 19, 2008

A Riddle:

If prodded I'll shout and spit,
But left alone quietly sit.
Another must strike 'fore I lay a blow,
And after I hit I'll back from my foe.
I travel on wheels across the seas,
To speak and trade with enemies.
My brothers also, they have much to say,
With nary a hand we all point the same way.
We'll quip the same jests, and with cunning disarm,
Any strangers that may wish us harm.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Coeliac disease

"You got the coeliac," doc said.
"You got it bad."
Told me to avoid glutens.
"But I love glutens!" I protested.
"Sorry chief," said doc.
"Them's the breaks."

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Redwood National and State Parks

Though I feel lasting
All I do, see, or believe
Is a tree's instant

Friday, May 16, 2008


Few things flow off the tongue easily as Elagabalus,
except Heliogabalus,
who is also Elagabalus,
because Elagabalus,
was called by more names than any of us,
would think sane or just,
some of them multistage like Marcus Aurelius Antoninus,
and his birthname Varius Avitus Bassianus,
but Roman emperors always had a surplus,
of names and Elagabalus,
was much more excessive when he became a recreational prostitute.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Royal Blue (B&O train)

Running fast on the rail,
bullets Royal Blue.
The sky fails to compare,
chalky blue and pale.
White clouds trail,
back along the track.
Baltimore and back,
storming forward without fail.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Super Smash Bros. Melee

I feel like an hourglass
Sand pours to my feet
Making me bottom heavy
Slow to move
I am running out of time
Spent so much already
My past is meaningless
Stripped of reality
I have nothing

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


Read aloud as quickly as possible:

Nahuatl is natively natural
Nahuatl is natively natural
Nahuatl is natively natural
Nahuatl is natively natural
Nahuatl is natively natural

Arranging availability of avocados
Arranging availability of avocados
Arranging availability of avocados
Arranging availability of avocados
Arranging availability of avocados

Creating the cunning coyote
Creating the cunning coyote
Creating the cunning coyote
Creating the cunning coyote
Creating the cunning coyote

Cheering us with chili and chocolate
Cheering us with chili and chocolate
Cheering us with chili and chocolate
Cheering us with chili and chocolate
Cheering us with chili and chocolate

Still mouthed by many in Mexico
Still mouthed by many in Mexico
Still mouthed by many in Mexico
Still mouthed by many in Mexico
Still mouthed by many in Mexico

An enduring aspect of Aztec existence
An enduring aspect of Aztec existence
An enduring aspect of Aztec existence
An enduring aspect of Aztec existence
An enduring aspect of Aztec existence

Monday, May 12, 2008

Battlefield Earth (film)

LO, hear my tale-unhappened,
of Adam's seed enslaved in ages hence,
shackle burdened by stellar chains,
made man-animal by dreadlocked dreadnought!
Millennium ruled neath Psychlo boot,
third thousand AD dawned,
on broken-planet soon battle-fielded,
defiance flamed with human spark!
Wandering tribes hide from alien eye,
away from deep-drilling conquerers,
planet gashing for mineral riches;
stealing man's birthright!
Forth from Rocky Mountain fastness,
clambers Jonnie Goodboy Tyler,
risk-taker explorer; untested youth.
Seeking foreign tribes and enemy news,
downward walks from hidden passes,
to well-preserved Denver's ruin.
Early on, his journey bears fruit,
already ally-finding hunter Carlo,
grim wandering in harsh wilds.
Placing their fates together,
new friends approach Denver,
not wary of a lurking snare!
Ambush ready, true-proving fears,
wait the Psychlo foe,
slave catching tube breathing battalion!
Trap caught in alien pincers,
two explorers are captivity sent,
to domed city and vicious Terl!
Backwater exiled Psychlo leader,
Earth cursing his appointment,
Terl sees opportunity's approach in brung slaves,
to mine the Rocky's off-limit lucre,
stored invader-proof in radioactive stones.
Psychlo breathe-gas, alien needed on Earth
explodes under beta bombardment,
bars Terl's miners from approaching gold.
Humans need no blast-ready gas,
native born and oxygen breathing,
riches await a mining crew of man,
if a Psychlo loyal slave were to lead.
Terl fast tutors Jonnie with an education machine,
filling an ignorant explorer with alien lore,
assuming freedom's call would be forgotten.
Not so! Ancient wisdom long enshrined,
the Declaration of Independence waited,
found by Jonnie in Denver's library ruins,
once more inspires American rebellion!
Gathering a liberation army,
Jonnie passes Fort Knox's gold as miner's spoils,
to satiate Terl whilst the noose tighened!
An underground military base bestows a mighty weapon,
harrier jets and modern missiles,
dormant through the centuries,
but still fully-working and revolution ready!
Too late to act the Psychlos realize,
that man-animals have become man-men,
breaking their bonds and slaying oppressors!
Carlo sacrifices himself in battle,
to shatter the Psychlo Denver-dome,
asphyxiating the interred aliens!
A thousands year's vengeance comes to bear,
wroth-filled Jonnie teleports an atomic missive,
dispatched faster-than-light to Psychlo homeworld!
A chain-reaction blows up their atmosphere,
the planet-blast becoming a star,
genocide ending the Psychlo threat forever!
Praise the heroes yet unborn,
valiant descendants of our line,
Hubbard prophesized,
on tomorrow's Battlefield Earth!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Flag of Germany

In so many words
Germany's current banner
Is an improvement

Friday, May 9, 2008

Glynn Lunney

Troposphere <-I watch from here

Thursday, May 8, 2008


War will cease
Scattered humanity
Shall realize a source
They all share commonly
Together charting a new course
Towards peace

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

West Indian cricket team in England in 1988

Colonies become conquerers
There's no I in team
But there's a team in islands
In 1988 the sun set
On the British wicket

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Battle of Blenheim

Before my great-grandfather
had a great-grandfather
Men killed another
At Blenheim together

The Duke of Marlborough
Hoped victory would be thorough
Risking all on one blow
Against the French foe

Duc de Tallard's forces
Had greater resources
Thousands more men and horses
Lacking just tactical recourses

Battalions placed in error
Within Blenheim's town center
Could do little to counter
English soldiers turning snarer

The French army slain in its place
Tallard surrendered in disgrace
And as credit to the British race
Marlborough received Blehnheim Palace

Monday, May 5, 2008

El Señor Presidente

On the shelves
Taped pages yellowing in libraries
Crisp white and paper-cut ready in stores
Wait books
Beyond counting
Beyond reading
Like passing strangers
Living lives you will never know

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Huldrych Zwingli

------Devout, Religious------
-Leading, Challenging, Reforming-
Marriage, Faith, Clergy, Fasting
-Ruling, Commanding, Mandating-
------Doctrinal, Codified------

Saturday, May 3, 2008

The Third of May 1808

Make a stand
Even if you perish
Defiance remains
Frozen in time

Friday, May 2, 2008

Satyajit Ray

Kurosawa, your friend is dead
No more peering into India
through the eyes of Ray.
Filmmakers never die
Though he might not get released
On Bluray for a while

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Discovery Expedition

"A limerick is a five-line poem with a strict form, originally popularized in English by Edward Lear. Limericks are frequently witty or humorous, and sometimes obscene with humorous intent." -Wikipedia

Today's poem is a limerick, but I've written two versions. The first is a serious ode to the glory of exploration. The second is stupid, as a Limerick is meant to be. They also reflect two different views of the Discovery Expedition. One view is that they weren't very professional, did things a lot less competently than they should have, and their scientific method was on the whole shoddy. The other perspective is that they made great strides in exploring the Antarctic, and the lessons learned from their mistakes paved the way for future missions.

1. (serious)

The fiercest zones of the Earth
Are often thought without worth
 But productive journeys
 Can be ones where you freeze
And doing so to a new era give birth

2. (appropriately limericky)

Robert Falcon Scott decided his role
Was to explore the South Pole
 But productive journeys
 Are not ones where you freeze
And subsist on penguin casserole

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Anabolic steroid

Oh glorious injection,
Placed deep in buttock cheek
Flesh now worthy of inspection,
Once was flabbily weak
Banished are the muscle pains,
Accursed, that wracked a spindly man
Dreadful feeble fate avoided,
The body freed from mortal chains,
Its divine sinew nicely tan,
Praises God for being roided!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

BAE Systems

ending life,
leaving futures,
sadly unanswered.
Do the dead still suffer?
Terror and pain may end.
Far worse is the uncertainty
of a life story left unfinished,
a book slammed shut in the early chapters.

Monday, April 28, 2008

Prince's Palace of Monaco

Party at the microstate tonight
Everyone's going to be there
Very exclusive invite
from the son of Prince Rainier

Hope you like to gamble
sip the finest wine
hear dignitaries ramble
about Monaco's royal line

No need to write down
an address so easy to recall
It's the only palace in town
Where else would they hold the ball?

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Peter Jennings

Husband, father, anchorman
On the air five days a week
Described the world in a brief span
but now we cannot hear him speak

Saturday, April 26, 2008


I watched a girl from afar
at morning every day
in Manzanar, in Manzanar
and loved her graceful way

She wandered far
with her feet bare
in Manzanar, in Manzanar
and I followed her to stare

We only let her get so far
not too apart from her parents
in Manzanar, in Manzanar
and I watched as I patrolled the fence

I wish we had gone far
that I freed her from that place
from Manzanar, from Manzanar
where I came to know her face

In my life that time is far
but what remains hard
is that in Manzanar, in Manzanar
to her I was just a guard

Friday, April 25, 2008

Ocean sunfish

Mola Mola is the name
Of the world's largest fish
Looking at its
Ass I find myself a-
Mazed that
Out there exists a fish so
Large its head is its

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Vasa (ship)

Feel like loser? Think you failed?
Here's something to cheer ya.
I know of a ship that briefly sailed,
A stupid ship called Vasa.

Brilliant Gustavus, Swedish King,
thought "A ship would be just the trick
to crush Poland in our thirty-year kerfuffle thing"
and he ordered Vasa built ASAP and super-quick.

Of course the key in any war,
is to load your ship up with bling.
so Gus ordered Vasa painted like a whore,
and weighed with sculptures to stop it from maneuvering.

Finally at huge expense,
Vasa was ready, sail on mast.
Thousands gathered for the grandest of events,
cheering loudly and not thinking of ballast.

The ship pushed out from the Stockholm dock
on a beautiful summer day.
A fresh breeze made Vasa sway and rock,
as it crossed the Swedish bay.

Vasa made it about a mile;
its maiden launch seemed fine,
but the gun ports for all this while
were below the water line.

Though Vasa was close to land,
thirty people died, maybe more.
Despite all the boats close at hand,
that came to aid the ship sinking by the shore.

So next time you think you failed,
just think of Vasa and the royal clod,
that after rushing a crappy ship
called it sinking an act of God.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Thierry Henry

A human sea forms,
and crashing voices roar
Thierry for Arsenal!
Life waits for them at morning,
by desk or oiled machine.
Now though is Thierry,
cheers and the green field.
Beneath the stadium halo
Thierry gives them conquest.
People flow home with the gift,
hugged tight to jubilant chests.
At morning Thierry's win goes to work,
commuter carried
by briefcase and purse
letting them remain Thierry,
winning on the green field.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Pearl Jam

Vedder realized
record labels are Satan
and spurned videos

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monarchy of the United Kingdom

Look, Democracy has an appendix!
At least mine doesn't wave.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Reactive attachment disorder

Either you don't say a word,
Or you say too much.
Give me some peace and quiet
Or please for the love of God,
Talk to papa.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Emma Goldman

Can't blame Emma for rejecting domestic life
Baking bread, popping kids
Playing Stepford Wife
She ran and could'a hid
But that's not what she did

Emma spoke to the workers about rights
Tried to organize anarchy
Get Carnegie's peons to fight
Not all were keen on breaking free
They were slaves by choice in democracy

Did Emma fail?
She didn't succeed
Capitalism certainly did prevail
All anyone can do is try to lead
And leave books behind for the kiddies to read

Friday, April 18, 2008

Cannibal Holocaust

Don't start
Whether animals died for ego or art
Isn't the issue

The film is bloody
Seven animals died in the shooting spree
But I eat burgers

This makes me a bad person
Those cows might as well be in horror fiction
So commenting would be hypocritical